School District of Clay County
Green Cove Springs, Florida
Teacher Inservice Center - Fleming Island High School
2233 Village Square Parkway
Hearings for Special Actions regarding Students - 6:15 p.m.

September 17, 2015 - Regular Meeting

Pledge of Allegiance
Call to Order
1. Attendance


Present:  Janice Kerekes, District 1;  Carol Studdard, District 2;  Betsy Condon, District 3;  Johnna McKinnon, District 4;  Ashley Gilhousen, District 5;  and Superintendent Charlie Van Zant.

2. Founders Week Kickoff (September 21-25)

Minutes: The meeting was opened with a kickoff for Founders Week.  Chairman McKinnon read a Proclamation highlighting some of the country's founding documents and principles inherent in "life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness."  The program included group student performances by Fleming Island High's ROTC unit, Clay High's choir, and Ridgeview High's drama team.

Consent Agenda

3. C-1 Minutes of Student Hearings and Regular Meeting on August 27, 2015
Attachment: Disciplinary Minutes-2015 August 27.pdf (Confidential Item)
Attachment: Minutes Reg Mtg August 27, 2015.pdf
School Board Attorney

4. C-2 Resolution for disbursement of 457 Deferred Compensation Plan funds
Attachment: 09-17-15 Resolution 457 Deferred Comp Plan.pdf
Deputy Superintendent

5. C-3 Proposed Allocation Changes for 2015-2016
Attachment: Allocation Summary -September 17, 2015.pdf
6. C-4 District Advisory Committee Application
Attachment: District Advisory Committee Application.pdf
Attachment: Clay District Advisory Committee Overview 2015 - 2016.pdf
Human Resources

7. C-5 Affiliation Agreement between the School Board of Clay County and Santa Fe College for the placement of college students
Attachment: Affiliation Agreement Santa Fe 9 17 15.pdf
8. C-6 Personnel Consent Agenda - September 17, 2015
Attachment: 09-17-15 Personnel Consent Agenda.pdf

9. C-7 CTE Out-of-State Travel -SGIA Expo, Atlanta, Georgia
10. C-8 2014-2015 Destiny Textbook Statistics Report
Attachment: Destiny Yr End Inventory 20142015 September 17 2015.pdf
11. C-9 K-12 Academic Support Services Student Travel
Attachment: Sept 2015 - Student Travel.pdf
12. C-10 2015-16 St. Johns River State College Dual Enrollment Articulation Agreement
Attachment: Sept 2015 - 2015-16 SJRSC Dual Enrollment Articulation Agreement.pdf
13. C-11 2015-16 St. Johns River State College Collegiate High School Contract
Attachment: Sept 2015 - 2015-16 SJRSC Collegiate High School Contract.pdf
14. C-12 2015-16 St. Johns River State College Field and Clinical Experiences Agreement
Attachment: Sept 2015 - 2015-16 SJRSC Field and Clinical Experiences Agreement.pdf
15. C-13 2015-16 Santa Fe Dual Enrollment Articulation Agreement
Attachment: Sept 2015 Santa Fe Dual Enrollment Articulation Agreement.pdf
16. C-14 Safety and Education Articulation Agreement between the School Board of Clay County and the Orange Park Police Department
Attachment: OPPD SEAA.pdf
17. C-15 Safety and Education Articulation Agreement between the School Board of Clay County and the Green Cove Springs Police Department
Attachment: GCSPD SEAA.pdf
18. C-16 Safety and Education Articulation Agreement between the School Board of Clay County and the Clay County Sheriff's Office
Attachment: CCSO SEAA 15-16.pdf
19. C-17 Charter School Technical Assistance Manual
Attachment: Charter School Technical Assistance Guide 2015- 2016.pdf
20. C-18 Designate first two weeks of October 2015 as Disability History Awareness weeks.
Attachment: Disability History and Awareness Week 2015.pdf
21. C-19 Intent to Establish a Consortium Agreement
Attachment: FATDEC Agreement.pdf
22. C-20 Approve 2015-16 Master Inservice Plan
Attachment: MIP.pdf
Business Affairs

23. C-21 Superintendent's Annual Financial Report for the FYE 6-30-15
Attachment: AFR Report FYE 6-30-15.pdf
24. C-22 2014-2015 Fiscal Year Program Cost Report
Attachment: PC 3.4 FY1415.pdf
25. C-23 Warrants and Vouchers for August 2015
26. C-24 Monthly Property Report - August, 2015 - Furniture/Equipment
Attachment: Furniture-Equipment Report-August, 2015.pdf
27. C-25 Monthly Property Report - August, 2015 - AV Materials
Attachment: Audiovisual Report-August, 2015.pdf
28. C-26 Monthly Property Report - August, 2015 - Software
Attachment: Software Report-August, 2015.pdf
29. C-27 Monthly Property Report - August, 2015 - Vehicles
Attachment: Vehicles Report-August, 2015.pdf
30. C-28 Deletion of Certain Items Report - September, 2015
Attachment: Deletion Report-September, 2015.pdf
Attachment: Deletion Report (Attachment)-September, 15.pdf
31. C-29 Write-off uncollectible checks at schools
32. C-30 Bid Renewals September 2015
33. C-31 Budget Amendments for the Month of June, 2015
Attachment: June Budget Amendments.pdf
Support Services

34. C-32 Pre-Qualification of Contractors
Attachment: Contractor List 9,17,15.pdf
35. C-33 Additive Change Order #2 (Direct Purchasing) for Keystone Heights High School HVAC Replacement Building 1
Attachment: CO 2 KHH HVAC Replacement.pdf
36. C-34 Additive Change Order #1 for Keystone Heights Elementary School Remodel Building 4
Attachment: CO 1 KHE Remodel B4.pdf
37. C-35 Additive Change Order #3 (Direct Purchasing) for S. Bryan Jennings Elementary School HVAC Replacement Building 1, 2 & 3
Attachment: CO 3 SBJ HVAC Replacement.pdf
38. C-36 Additive Change Order #3 for Orange Park High School Smoke Corridor Building 1, Phase I
Attachment: CO 3 OPH Smoke Corridor.pdf
39. C-37 Additive Change Order #4 (Direct Purchasing) for Orange Park High School Roof Replacement Buildings 19, 20, 21, 22 & 27
Attachment: CO 4 OPH Roof Replacement.pdf
40. C-38 Substantial Completion of Keystone Heights Elementary School Remodel Building 4
Attachment: Substantial Completion KHE Remodel B4.pdf
41. C-39 Substantial Completion of Orange Park High School Smoke Corridor Building 1, Phase 1
Attachment: Substantial Completion OPH Smoke Corridor.pdf
42. C-40 Final Completion of Keystone Heights High School HVAC Replacement Building 1
Attachment: Final Completion KHH HVAC Replacement.pdf

Adoption of Consent Agenda
43. Adoption of Consent Agenda


No Consent Agenda items were pulled to Discussion by the Board.

Prior to approval of the Consent Agenda, the following individuals spoke to item C-6, Personnel Consent Agenda:

  • Keith Nichols
  • Liz Crane

The following individuals spoke to item C-21, Superintendent's Annual Financial Report for FYE 6/30/15, with comments about employee salaries:

  • Shana Boer
  • Pamela Jordan
  • Cathy Palmer 
  • Cindy Merrilees
  • Leah Norton
  • Renna Lee Paiva
  • Smitty Huffman
  • Trudi Lawless
  • Victoria Kidwell
  • Rebecca Smith
  • Dylan Fagan

Approve the Consent Agenda.- PASS
Vote Results
Motion: Ashley Gilhousen
Second: Elizabeth Condon
Elizabeth Condon- Aye
Ashley Gilhousen- Aye
Janice Kerekes- Aye
Johnna McKinnon- Aye
Carol Studdard- Aye

Recognitions and Awards
44. Recognize Journey Church for Backpack Event - Superintendent Van Zant

Minutes: Superintendent Van Zant recognized Pastor Eric Jaffe and Journey Church for their generosity in supplying 390 student backpacks and school supplies to 19 of our schools.
45. Recognize Joe Mayo for donation to RHS Chick-fil-A Leadership Academy - Scott Thomas, RHS Academy Teacher-Leader

Minutes: Joe Mayo, on behalf of Corporate Chick-fil-A and Coca-Cola, has donated $12,000 to help sponsor the Chick-fil-A Leadership Academy at Ridgeview High School.  Scott Thomas, the RHS Teacher-Leader, spoke briefly about the program and honored Mr. Mayo for his contributions. 

46. Stephen McCloskey, Program Manager - Alliance for a Healthier Generation

Minutes: Mr. McCloskey was not able to attend the meeting.

Scheduled Citizen Requests (None)
Discussion Agenda

47. D-1 Superintendent's Update


Superintendent Van Zant thanked students for the Founders Week presentations. 

On another topic, he stated that he would be traveling to Tallahassee tomorrow to lobby on the district's behalf.

Deputy Superintendent

48. D-2 Discuss 2016 Legislative Priorities
Attachment: DRAFT 2016 Legislative Priorities (3).pdf

Board members were primarily happy with the draft provided by Mrs. Kornegay.  Mrs. Kerekes asked that consideration be given to adding #13 from the FSBA's platform regarding an increase in the base student allocation and Mrs. Gilhousen wanted to consider adding an option for students to use nationally normed assessments in lieu of the FSA. 


Human Resources

49. D-3 Human Resources - Special Action A
Attachment: Special Action A 9 17 15.pdf (Confidential Item)

Approve the action as presented.- PASS
Vote Results
Motion: Elizabeth Condon
Second: Carol Studdard
Elizabeth Condon- Aye
Ashley Gilhousen- Aye
Janice Kerekes- Aye
Johnna McKinnon- Aye
Carol Studdard- Aye

Presentations from the Audience
50. Speakers


The following speakers made comments on a variety of subjects, with most pertaining to employees salaries.

  • Keith Nichols - doing your job
  • Ginger Burris - job descriptions not available - bargaining supplements
  • Laura Mayberry - Blackboard
  • Wanda Clemer - bus driver conditions - driver inservice
  • Teresa Dixon - the work of support employees
  • Mary Bolla - employee salaries
  • Mary Pizzi - HR administrator credentials
  • Amy Smith - support pay
  • Sandra Spencer - IEP and speech services
  • Elaine Neighbors - salaries
  • Kim Stacey - bus driver inservice
  • Rebecca Smith -support employees united asking for fair wage
  • Liz Crane - teacher salaries
  • Patty Girado - teacher salaries
  • Tracy Butler - drivers' inservice pay grievance and unfair labor practices

Superintendent's Requests

Minutes: Superintendent Van Zant made a brief statement in response to comments pertaining to employee salaries.  He stated that all employees are paid in accordance with the approved salary schedule. 

School Board's Requests


Mrs. McKinnon asked that a report be brought back to the Board on the delay in payment to Transportation employees for the inservice training held in August. 

Board members made general comments in response to public speakers about employee salaries, insurance rates and lack of textbooks and technical support.

Attorney's Requests
Adjournment (9:40 p.m.)

